Printer Printable Registration Materials for Men in Japan

Transpacific Marriage Agency Personal Profile Form

Notice: When filling out this Personal Profile form, be aware that you are legally bound by the terms of the Transpacific Marriage Agency Agreement to provide only accurate information to TMA, and to disclose anything in your background that might make you unsuitable to participate in TMA's services. If you are married, DO NOT pose as unmarried. Doing so constitutes fraud and is subject to civil & criminal penalties including fines and jail sentences. TMA reserves the right to report violators to law enforcement authorities and seek prosecution and/or civil redress to the fullest extent of the law. 
Full name:
Your age:
Postal/zip code:
E-mail Address:
(The personal contact information above won't be given to anyone without a request from you to do so.)
How do you intend to send your photo?
Should TMA return your photo?  Yes  No
How did you find out about TMA?
First name:
Date of birth (mo/day/yr):
Country of residence:
What year did you start living there?
Height: Hair Color:
Weight: Eye Color:


(If you are married, DO NOT pose as Single.)
Income (optional):
How long at present occupation?

Religion (optional):
Hobbies / Interests:
Do you want children someday?  Yes  No  Undecided
Do you already have children?  Yes  No
If you already have children, please give details, including how many, what ages, who they live with, and how they are being supported:

Do you smoke?  Yes  No  Occasionally  Lightly
If you smoke, do you want to quit? Yes  No  Undecided
How would you describe your personality?

What is most important to you?

What countries have you been to?

Notice: If there's anything in your background that might make you unsuitable as a marriage partner, you must disclose that information after this question:

Is there anything about you which your future spouse would want to know before becoming involved with you?  Yes  No
If yes, please explain (attach extra sheets if necessary):



Please note that U.S. law requires U.S. clients to print out and send TMA this disclosure form.

What are your hopes and plans for the future?

What message would you like to send to your future spouse?

For quickest service, please mail this completed form, along with a good photo and signed Agency Agreement to:

Tobu Highline Ginza Bldg. 5F
Ginza 2-13-20, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
TMA, 104-8127

If you prefer, you may email your photos to:

Registration Form for Men in Japan

Please check the Membership Option of your choice: