Use this checklist to confirm that you've submitted all the necessary materials and information to TMA to complete your registration.
Incomplete registrations cannot be processed.
  1. If you are married or under the age of 18, STOP! You are not eligible to participate in TMA's services.
  2. Please be sure to fill out all forms properly. Improperly filled out forms may not be processed.
  3. Send at least one photo by email to or by postal mail to: TMA P.O. Box 706, Bayside, CA 95524-0706 U.S.A.
  4. Fill out the Personal Profile form. Be sure that all the information you submit is true and complete. (For some helpful tips, please see our Guidelines for Effective Profile Writing and Photo Submission.)
  5. Check any of the Free Bonus Offers that interest you. (Not all Free Bonus Offers are available to free clients.)
  6. If you live outside Japan, fill out the TMA Registration Form for Men outside Japan. If you live in Japan, fill out the TMA Registration Form for Men in Japan.
  7. Make sure you've read and agree to the terms of the Transpacific Marriage Agency Agreement.
  8. Make sure you understand that by participating in TMA's services, you certify and attest, under penalty of perjury and false statement, that you are at least 18 years of age and NOT MARRIED.
  9. American men and men living in the U.S. must fill out the Transpacific Marriage Agency (TMA) Background Information Disclosure Form. The form should be easy to complete if you have nothing important to disclose.
  10. Be sure to indicate your payment method on your registration form unless you're applying to be a free client. (Acceptance as a free client isn't guaranteed.)
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